Thursday, July 31, 2008

Obama Campaign Blimp

"There are things you can do individually, though, to save energy," Barack Obama said. "Making sure your tires are properly inflated – simple thing. But we could save all the oil that they're talking about getting off drilling – if everybody was just inflating their tires? And getting regular tune-ups? You'd actually save just as much!"

Obama is right. I just attended the Brickyard 400 NASCAR race at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. When properly inflated, Goodyear tires blow out every 17 miles. Now, stopping to change tires every seventeen miles saves a lot of gas!

Audacity of Reality

Barack Hussein Obama has discovered reality. During his ‘we are the world’ tour, he visited the Middle East. There, he apparently tuned-in to the realities of what is happening there. Seemingly, he came back tutored on information that most conscious people already knew - which meant that he needed to brief his Democrat colleagues on his findings because they, like him, have been unconscious of Middle East reality.

Here is how it was reported in the media:

WASHINGTON — White House hopeful Barack Obama has told fellow Democratic lawmakers that Israel will launch a military strike on Iran if nuclear sanctions fail, ABC News reported Wednesday.

The comment was reportedly made in a meeting late Tuesday between Senator Obama and Democratic members of the House of Representatives, following the presidential contender's return from an overseas tour that included Israel.

"Nobody said this to me directly but I get the feeling from my talks that if the sanctions don't work, Israel is going to strike Iran," an attendee at the meeting quoted Obama as saying, according to ABC.

Obama also told Tuesday's meeting that Arab states understood that a nuclear Iran would be a "game changer" for the entire region because of likely Israeli action, another attendee cited by ABC said.

Bonus: while in France, did Obama stay at the Paris Hilton?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Mother of all Bailouts

Today the mainstream media enthusiastically announced the passing of legislation to rescue many who are facing foreclosure. A Democrat triumph, a compassionate and heart-felt (and election year) program that may help many keep their homes even in the face of difficult economic times (and incredibly poor personal financial planning). Though obviously the real point is not the rescue of people but an industry and financiers of the industry.

What the media is not reporting, enthusiastically or otherwise, about this nearly 600 page piece of classic liberal legislation is the following:

It mandates all mortgage industry workers be finger-printed.

It mandates all of YOUR credit card transactions be reported to the IRS.

It mandates that the federal debt ceiling be raised by 800 billion dollars.

So, once again and ‘as always,’ your congress uses a trojan horse to smuggle in further erosions of your personal liberties while further weakening the dollar.

YOU should eliminate world poverty

Legislation sponsored by Sen. Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, is estimated to cost the U.S. some $845 billion over the coming few years in an effort to raise the standard of living around the globe.

S.2433 already has been approved in one form by your U.S. House of Representatives and now has been placed on the Senate Legislative Calendar for pending debate.

The proposal demands the president develop "and implement" a policy to "cut extreme global poverty in half by 2015 through aid, trade, debt relief" and other programs.

The legislation, if approved, dedicates 0.7 percent of the U.S. gross national product to foreign aid, which over 13 years, he said, would amount to $845 billion "over and above what the U.S. already spends."

"With billions of people living on just dollars a day around the world, global poverty remains one of the greatest challenges and tragedies the international community faces," Obama said. "It must be a priority of American foreign policy to commit to eliminating extreme poverty and ensuring every child has food, shelter, and clean drinking water. As we strive to rebuild America's standing in the world, this important bill will demonstrate our promise and commitment to those in the developing world.

adapted from Bob Unruh story on

Barack Hussein Obama
President of the One World Government

Thursday, July 24, 2008

United Prayer for United States

I get a lot of pass-along emails as I am sure that you do as well. I delete most of them without reading them. Who has the time? But my eye did fall on this one and rather than pass it on via email I thought I'd just post it here.

This is the scariest election we as Christians have ever faced and from the looks of the polls, the Christians aren't voting Christian values. We all need to be on our knees.

Do you believe we can take God at His word? Call upon His name, then stand back and watch His wonders to behold. This scripture gives us, as Christians, ownership of this land and the ability to call upon God to heal it. I challenge you to do so. We have never been more desperate than now for God to heal our land. This election is the scariest I remember in my lifetime.

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

During WWII, there was an advisor to Churchill who organized a group of people who dropped what they were doing every night at a prescribed hour for one minute to collectively pray for the safety of England , its people and peace. This had an amazing effect as bombing stopped. There is now a group of people organizing the same thing here in America . The United States of America and our citizens need prayer more than ever!!!

If you would like to participate: each evening at 9: 00 PM Eastern Time (8:00 PM Central, 7:00 PM Mountain, 6:00 PM Pacific), stop whatever you are doing and spend one minute praying for the safety of the United States, our troops, our citizens, for peace in the world, the up-coming election, that the Bible will remain the basis for the laws governing our land and that Christianity will grow in the U.S.

If you know anyone who would like to participate, please pass this along. Someone said if people really understood the full extent of the power we have available through prayer, we might be speechless. Our prayers are the most powerful asset we have.

Thank You. Please pass this on to anyone who you think will want to join us.

God Bless You!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Definition of Is

"The definition of success depends on how you look at it." - Barack Obama

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Jackson no McAuliffe

Brigadier General Anthony McAuliffe of the 101 Airborne Division once famously used the term 'nuts.'

Now Jesse Jackson has, too.

Monday, July 7, 2008

How Should I Know

What should be done about the economy, fuel prices, food prices, the mortgage crisis, auto-makers on the verge of bankruptcy, the DOW tumbling, nukes in Iran, the Taliban rising in Afghanistan, protracted war in Iraq, Republicans trailing in all polls....

Friday, July 4, 2008

The Right of the People

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
- The Declaration of Independence

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Fourth of July

General Motors stock - fell to lowest price since Eisenhower.

American Airlines - announces 7000 jobs slashed.

Chrysler sales drop to 50% of last year.

Oil at all time record highs and gasoline is too.

The dollar tumbles against all currencies.

404,000 unemployment insurance filings last week - 322,000 same time last year.

Those tomatoes for your July 4 cheeseburger have salmonella.

Our presidential choices are Obama and McCain.