Wednesday, November 5, 2008

More Random Rants

306 - My FOX News fast has lasted 306 days as of today. Though I was tempted to see what they were saying on election night, I held to the fast. And I was not alone in shunning FOX. FOX has plummeted this election season. Just released TV ratings of election night coverage has ABC winning with CNN in second (with twice as many viewers as 2004). NBC and CBC were next with FOX trailing in last. FOX has gone the way of the GOP - an old cast with an increasingly marginal appeal. That said, I will break the fast today. My fast began when FOX news, of all people, barred Ron Paul from its GOP New Hampshire primary debate.

Feeling Good about Ron Paul - it feels good at this point to have supported Ron Paul. He was his own worst enemy. Only McCain was a worse campaigner. But Paul was right on the economy, right on abortion, right on civil liberties, right on the U S Constitution, right on engaging new young voters, right on interventionism, right on The Fed, right on the Debt, right on the war in Iraq and it’s current toll.

McCain missed his final chance. The ‘bailout’ was McCain’s final chance to separate himself from Obama and to show true conservative colors. He suspended his campaign to come back to Washington and then NOTHING to differentiate himself from Obama. His own House Republicans had already led a revolt against the bailout. He should have come back to be their champion. “Obama and the Democrats are wrong on the bailout” should have been his message. But no. By that Friday he went to the debate that he said that he would not attend and had no difference between himself and his opponent on the biggest bailout in U S history!

Don’t get me started......

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