Thursday, July 31, 2008

Audacity of Reality

Barack Hussein Obama has discovered reality. During his ‘we are the world’ tour, he visited the Middle East. There, he apparently tuned-in to the realities of what is happening there. Seemingly, he came back tutored on information that most conscious people already knew - which meant that he needed to brief his Democrat colleagues on his findings because they, like him, have been unconscious of Middle East reality.

Here is how it was reported in the media:

WASHINGTON — White House hopeful Barack Obama has told fellow Democratic lawmakers that Israel will launch a military strike on Iran if nuclear sanctions fail, ABC News reported Wednesday.

The comment was reportedly made in a meeting late Tuesday between Senator Obama and Democratic members of the House of Representatives, following the presidential contender's return from an overseas tour that included Israel.

"Nobody said this to me directly but I get the feeling from my talks that if the sanctions don't work, Israel is going to strike Iran," an attendee at the meeting quoted Obama as saying, according to ABC.

Obama also told Tuesday's meeting that Arab states understood that a nuclear Iran would be a "game changer" for the entire region because of likely Israeli action, another attendee cited by ABC said.

Bonus: while in France, did Obama stay at the Paris Hilton?

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