Friday, October 3, 2008

Botched Bailout

McCain lost his last chance at winning when he voted for the bailout. The House Republicans had already sent a loud message that the conservative base of the GOP was dead-set against the bailout of Wall Street. At the same time, Obama was for it. So let’s see -- the GOP is against it and Obama is for it. So which way did McCain vote in the Senate? With Obama of course.

McCain is a Senator of course - a group which in this case was not as in touch with the grassroots.

He should have opposed the bailout with vigorous debate. He should have given voice to the fury of the ‘working class Joe.’ He should have defended the tax-payer. And he should have led the charge with alternative ways to address the crisis.

Further, he should have named names (as he said he would as President) in fixing blame for this crisis. He should have reminded America that the Dems have been the majority party for two years - yet they did not have the leadership necessary to respond effectively to this crisis.

McCain’s campaign should have dispatched feisty Palin to attack the bailout on behalf of working moms and union-worker dads everywhere. They should have gone totally populist and defended ‘the people’ against ‘the corruption on Wall Street.”

Anyway, McCain was weak in every way in his ‘go-along’ vote for the bailout.

Voting against it would have given him the platform for the final few weeks and the last two debates to hi-light the difference between a conservative-market driven approach and a government-as-savior approach.

Only a big security threat can save him now. Or maybe Sarah can if they turn her loose. Without one or the other, I predict (again) a landslide win for Obama. Scary and sad.

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