Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Evening Rant

Last post election rant (for the day) follows....

Liberalism didn't really win -- it's very very interesting that in California where Obama won by a landslide (obviously) the same voters amended the state constitution to read, “only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” It's interesting that in Florida, which Obama won, those same voters affirmed marriage as only between a man and woman. The 'gay agenda' was turned back even by Obama voters. In fact, seven in ten black voters who voted for Obama voted against gay-marriage. (Of course, Obama claimed at the Saddleback forum that he was also opposed to gay marriage, as did Biden in the VP debate)

I agree with Savage - McCain was the worst GOP candidate in modern times and ran the worst GOP campaign in modern times.

Best election season quip goes to Ann Coulter, "McCain is just like Dole only without the energy."

A Mandate? - while the mainstream media falls over themselves in praise of Obama and his huge victory, be reminded of the electoral reality. Despite McCain's horrible candidacy and Bush's horrifying performance, Obama won five states (71 electoral votes) by the following percentages:

VA - 52%
FL - 51%
OH - 51%
IN - 50%
NC - 50%

Yes, against the worst possible candidate in the most favorable possible conditions for his candidacy, Obama just barely won. Any real GOP candidate would have defeated him.

Romney was the one - looking back, I think that Romney would have been the best GOP presidential candidate. A governor, a northeasterner, the best economic candidate (aside from Paul). Coupled with a southern conservative such as Jindal - that could have been a winner.

Best GOP Candidates Now - Romney, Jindal, Cantor, Palin.

1 comment:

Israel said...

Mike Huckabee 2012. There's the man for the job. Great healthcare plan! Someone who's actually interested in tax reform rather than just cuts or raises. Strong conservative values. A man of God. One of the only candidates not to spend all of his time criticizing someone else (whether previous administration or opposing candidates.)