Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Can't Stress Enough

Hillary held a press conference yesterday in which she addressed the economy (what's left of it). At the end she stepped away from and then back to the podium. She then said that she, "can't stress enough," the seriousness of the economic crisis that we face. She mentioned, of course, that she has been 'calling for' steps to address this situation for over a year. My question to her is 'if it's all that serious, why hasn't a warning about our impending crisis been a part of your campaign BEFORE the crisis was obvious to everyone?'


Unknown said...

Hindsight is 20/20, huh?

I wonder how many of the candidates have thought to themselves... "man... that Ron Paul was right!" ...

Woody said...

Just last night, Glen Beck asked why none of the candidates are really addressing the seriousness of the problem. One of the guests correctly pointed out that only Ron Paul addressed the real issues - all others address symptoms and band-aid solutions.