On the day that Brett Favre announced his retirement, Hillary Rodham Clinton is hoping for a long bomb - a Hail Mary - that will keep her from retiring from the 2008 race for the Democrat nomination.
Only minutes from now the results will begin streaming in from Texas, Ohio, Vermont and Rhode Island. Some weeks ago, HRT claimed that she must and would win both Ohio and Texas. Lately, her campaign has said that she will significantly erode Obama's momentum with the results of Texas and Ohio. (By the way, this is a more sane moment of the campaign overall because unlike earlier when there was the completely exaggerated focus on New Hampshire, today Rhode Island will be completely irrelevant.) If polls can be trusted, she looks to be in good shape in Ohio and in a real battle in Texas. If early exit polling is to be trusted the huge turnout of Hispanics in Texas has got to bode well for her there. Still, some argue that even wins in both states will not be enough to overtake BO's lead or to stop his march to the nomination. Perhaps not. I join Rush Limbaugh in hoping for a huge Hillary comeback that keeps the Dems spending money and fighting among themselves all the way to the convention - then at the convention over the Wisconsin and Florida delegates.
Hoping for the long bomb to connect tonight.
The Wisconsin delegates are secure, it's the Michigan and Florida delegates who were punished for moving their primaries up.
Let the cauldron continue to bubble, bubble, and bubble, until it boils over into a ridiculous mess- exactly what the Dems deserve for trying to manipulate outcomes and primaries.
absolutely - and I think that the super delegate thing could come back to bite them 'in the end.'
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