Sunday, March 23, 2008

Twenty Percent Defection

New polls are suggesting that about twenty percent of Democrat voters will defect to McCain in November. About that many of Hillary's voters said that they would cross over if Hussein Obama got the nod. Similarly, about twenty percent of the B Hussein Obama's voters said that they would vote McCain if Hillary got it. No love lost within the pro-diversity crowd on the left!


Bill said...

Such "anti-the-other-guy/gal" passion will probably wane as we roll into the general election. But - we can certainly enjoy the effects of the current Dem civil war while it's occurring.

Gotta believe this is not what Mr. Yee-Hah (Howard Dean) had in mind for his party's primary.

Bill said...
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Woody said...

It is really amazing to see it all get uglier and uglier - on their own side. It seems to me that it will be pretty difficult for the Dem nominee to complain about anything that McCain says because whatever it is will have already been said in even more stark (as in starker) terms by the Dems themselves.