Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Comedy Kabob indeed

Dana Milbank's "Washington Sketch" in The Washington Post had this yesterday:

Away from the convention proceedings, Denver became a parade ground for the full panoply of liberal interest-group politics. Planned Parenthood hosted a dance party called "Sex, Politics and Cocktails." Code Pink put on a "Make Out Not War" concert. Near the entrance to the convention grounds, representatives of Trojan condoms handed out samples and invited delegates to see how long it would take them to put a prophylactic on a banana.

The Stonewall Democrats held a "tea party" to celebrate gay delegates. The Feminist Majority celebrated women. The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice had a "Strike for Your Rights" bowling night, and the Arab American Institute had a "Comedy Kabob" improv. During a four-hour period yesterday, no fewer than 16 Democratic caucuses held meetings, among them the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Caucus; the Asian American and Pacific Islander Caucus; the Senior Council; the Rural Caucus; and the Ethnic Coordinated Caucus.

for the full article, see

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