Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Gag-me Gergen

David "gag-me" Gergen, CNN political commentator and Professor of Public Service (professor of public service??? gag-me) at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government, said last night on CNN that for the first time state by state polling suggests that "if the election was held today, McCain would win" the electoral vote. Nobody on 'the panel' disagreed.'

If Obama loses, I believe that (in addition to 'racism,' or 'America was not ready'...) analysts will point to Barack's savior of the world tour as the turning point. It just did not fly among average Americans.

On CNN analyst said last night that nobody imagined that the campaign would turn against Obama this early. An interesting phrase, "this early."

They further agreed that the McCain campaign had gone to school off of Hillary's too-little-too-late surge. They pointed out that it was when Hillary's campaign began running ads challenging Obama's experience and readiness to be president (the "3 AM" ad), that she began to close on him and win most of the last states. McCain's campaign noticed and has followed on in a similar theme.

Gag-me Gergen was asked, "if it will work."

His reply, "it IS working."

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