Monday, May 5, 2008

Yes, Indiana can

For Dems, Indiana’s primary can only have real significance if Obama wins.

Hillary is leading according to four of five major polls. Only Zogby has Obama leading.
If Hillary wins Indiana then it will really change nothing. Obama will win North Carolina convincingly. By Tuesday night, they will have each won another state and nothing will be changed. The current struggle will simply move on down the road.

Indiana is not a swing state - a battleground state - in the general election. Winning the democratic primary here will prove nothing for either candidate. That’s why a Hillary win will be so hollow. It’s not a state that she can win in November, it’s simply an excuse to continue her campaign.

If Obama wins Indiana then the race for the nomination is over. That’s why Indiana only has significance if he wins. Indiana will have essentially broken the deadlock and given the nomination to Obama.

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