Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Congressional Hearings to Follow

4.4 Million people are without power at this moment in Florida. The sudden power outage was triggered mostly by failures in both nuclear and non-nuclear power systems at Turkey Creek power plant located south of Miami. Miami was the main area hit but areas went black as far away as Tampa and Jacksonville.

What does this mean for campaign politics?

It means that by tonight, the Democrat candidates will claim "a failed energy policy" by the Bush administration has led to this. The Republican candidates will say that environmentalists have effectively blocked the building nuclear power plants for at least 20 years. Both sides will point out how fragile and vulnerable the power system is in the U S A. That of course is a segway to 'homeland security' issues. And no power policy discussion would be complete without a hashing of 'global warming.'

Power policy is sure to be a topic in the next presidential candidate's debate. But it will show up on the stump sooner.

And watch for a call for congressional hearings. Those folks are always looking for a reason to hold a hearing!


Bill said...

Oh - and don't forget Mr. Green Jeans himself - Al Gore. I'm sure he'll have something profound to throw into the mix too!

Woody said...

Ah -- Al Gore -- so easy to forget!

Unknown said...

Off topic... but I've been meaning to ask this...

If the Dems had a brokered convention, what do you guys think the chance of Gore stepping in and stealing the nomination would be?

Bill said...


I don't see it vis-a-vis the dems ever supporting Gore. Personally, I don't think he's that popular in that party. Rather, I think his lingering support stems from the notion by some that "Bush stole the election", and hence there was this soft spot of support for Gore.

His personal style is every bit as negative as Hillary's - I just don't see that he would serve as an "alternative" for either Hill or BO supporters to turn to.

Maybe Nader could ride in on his while Yugo and save the day (NOT)!

Woody said...

I think a brokered convention is unlikely. Kerry has actually been doing some campaigning for somebody, I think. Gore - I don't know, it seems like he is as big of a lightening rod as Hillary. He may have clout in the Democrat party but I don't think that he would fare as well in the general election.