Tuesday, February 12, 2008

NY Times Gets it Right!

Ladies and Gentlemen, it may be as hard to believe as space aliens landing in your yard, but the New York Times has a news story that is completely accurate! In fact, the NYT is the ONLY main stream media outlet that has this story right. Amazing. What's the topic? The topic is 'how many delegates have the GOP candidates won so far?' Here is what the NY Times reports:

"Before Saturday’s voting, Mr. McCain had 703 delegates, Mr. Huckabee, 190, and Mr. Paul, 42."


Here is my challenge to you: find any other news source (conservative or liberal, visual or print, online or 'old media') that is reporting this correct delegate count. If you find one, let us know in the comments section below. If you don't, let us know that, and give your opinion as to why not.

Also, don't forget to vote in our poll in the right-hand column!

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