Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Huckabee as VP

It's a done deal.

The news is carrying the early headline of Super Tuesday, "Huckabee wins West Virginia." The more accurate headline would be, "Huckabee wins VP slot."

For those who don't read more than the headlines, the back(room) story will be missed. W Va is a state that has primary rules which allow for more than one round of voting so that there is a clear winner. On the first round, Romney was in the lead, Huckster second and McCain-Kennedy in third. Between the first and second rounds, ALL of the McCain voters switched to Huckabee! Thus, the McCain people denied Romney the early headline of a Super Tuesday win.

But isn't the McCain-Feingold camp concerned that Huck might make a run today, what with almost the entire Southern Baptist world going to the polls?

No. It seems that the deal has been done. As long as the Huck can protect McCain's flank, he will be rewarded nicely. After all, McCain will need that conservative evangelical vote come the general election. With the preacher at his side, McCain will have "united the party" for the push to the White House.

(By the way, have I ever mentioned that Mike Huckabee attended the same seminary from which I graduated? He dropped out the year before I arrived. Had he continued we would have 'gone to school together.')


Bill said...

Is Huckabee becoming the "new Romney"? The anti-McCain?

Pretty cool - the seminary link.

Bill said...

Another thought...You may ultimately be right - but I think the Veep-stakes have a long way to go. While one could argue McCain needs the evangelical vote - my question would be who else are they going to vote for - Hillary or Obama? I think not. McCain's choice may depend on who the final Dem opponent turns out to be. He needs to go conservative for sure.

Also - I'm thinking Romney may pull his own plug tonight - unless he does something big in California.

All just wild thoughts on a stormy night in the midwest.