Wednesday, May 7, 2008


A faithful remnant of Hoosiers cast their vote yesterday for Liberty, Prosperity and Peace. A steady eight percent of our neighbors and friends went to the polls with the purpose of restoring the republic by casting their vote for Ron Paul for President.

It is funny to me that many have said that voting for Ron Paul is 'throwing your vote away.'

Is it more of a throw away than a vote for any of the three 'front-runners?' It seems that most everyone is now discouraged with the choices that we have in the fall.

My vote counted as a protest against the Republican front-runner. In fact, John McCain could not even get 80% of the vote in a traditionally Republican stronghold where he was running effectively unopposed. What does that say about November?

My vote counted as a vote for a sensible monetary policy, a sane foreign policy and securing our civil liberties here at home.

Moreover, a large number of people committed to liberty, prosperity and peace won in various local races across the state. The effects of those wins will become more apparent in the days ahead.

The revolution lives in Indiana!


Bill said...

I am aware of many folks who voted for someone other than McCain - all doing so to send a message of dissatisfaction with McCain.

You are right. The fact that 22% of GOP voters cast a ballot for someone other than McCain underscores the dissatisfaction with him as the nominee.

Of course, that doesn't mean they won't vote for McCain in the fall. I am also aware of several GOP voters who cast a Democrat ballot yesterday, but said they'd vote GOP in the fall. It'll be a whole new ballgame once these primaries are over.

Woody said...

Yes, I talked with a GOP person who voted in support of 'operation chaos' yesterday. I agree that there will be a heavier GOP turnout in the fall and 'a whole new ballgame.' I voted RP because of the reasons that I stated - I could not have crossed-over because of party related restrictions that uniquely impacted me in this primary.