Wednesday, September 17, 2008

449 Bigger than Palin?

The Stock Market plunged 449 points today after 'The Fed' bailed out huge insurer AIG with 85 BILLION dollars of tax payer money. The bailout was supposed to stabilize things but it appears that the market was perfectly stable yesterday on the news that AIG would NOT be bailed out. Now 85 billion later, the market tanks to the tune of 449 points.

BTW, Rush today said that The Fed should not bail out AIG or any other huge company - that they should be allowed to fail if they make terrible buisness decisions. Why, that's exactly what Ron Paul said all Spring. Rush would blush!

Meanwhile, the big question is this: Is 449 bigger than Palin? We already know that Palin has been bigger than life - but is she bigger than 449? Let's be honest. John McCain was going to lose this election in a landslide UNTIL the brilliance of the Palin choice. It's Palin and Palin alone who has turned the tables on the Dems (even on Hillary!). She is the reason McCain surged after their Convention. She is the reason the Obama campaign was off-message and on the ropes. Sarah Palin. It actually looked as though the election was tilting toward GOP.

Until today.

449 is a reminder of what the election is all about, from a Democrat (and from an average Joe) perspective. It's about run away spending in Washington and greed-based business decisions in the nation's biggest board-rooms. It's about a failed finacial policy exaggerated by a trillion a year war. It's about $4 gas and $5 milk. 449 is about bread and butter.

A day is forever in campaign politics. I said before that if Obama loses, the analysts would point to the savior-of-the-world tour as the turning point. I say on today, if Obama wins, they may look back and say 449 eclipsed the Palin-factor and put Obama back on message.

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