Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Palin Told You So

On Friday, Sept 12, in the post titled "Managed Exposure" I said that Palin's stardom may have a shelf-life shorter than the time remaining until election day. Specifically, I wrote, "Rock starlet status is tough to maintain, though she only has to top the charts for 50 days"

Yesterday, six days after my post, Karl Rove said Palin's popularity would wane. The AP reported it this way:

(AP) Republican tactician Karl Rove said Wednesday that Sen. John McCain's vice presidential pick was a political choice and that excitement over Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will subside.

"Nothing lasts for 60-some-odd days," Rove told The Associated Press. "Will she be the center of attention in the remaining 48 days? No."

Today, a week after my post, Nobel Prize winning writer George Will has a column entitled, "The Palin Bubble." In it, he writes, "Palin is as bracing as an Arctic breeze... But the country's romance with her will, as romances do, cool somewhat, and even before November some new fad might distract a nation...."

So, when you want it first, read RTR08.

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