Saturday, September 27, 2008

Palin Needed

"The polls" that I have seen indicate Obama was 'the winner' of the first Presidential debate. That was my impression as well as I watched it. I am not saying that I agreed with Obama more - just that I thought that he had the better night overall. McCain was weak at the start but got much better as the debate moved toward the hour mark. Obama's team obviously learned from the Forum at Saddleback. Obama greatly improved. He made points quickly and often had outlined points (1, 2, 3). He was well rehearsed. McCain appeared rehearsed but had a more limited arsenal. I thought that he was generally weak on rebuttal though he had a couple of good moments of response. It was clear that McCain had more personal awareness of foreign policy from first hand experience. The big problem though is that security and foreign policy was where he was supposed to dominate Obama - this was McCain's home court - but he tied at best and probably 'lost' even if narrowly.

The net net - McCain needs Palin to hit a home run versus Biden. Despite some inexperience, I believe that Palin will be quite impressive.

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