The GOP is the party with the 'Babe on the ticket,' as Rush has said. Sarah Palin is sharp, smart and sassy. She has a good speech writer and a great sense of delivery. The working mother of a 'special needs' child, a pregnant teenager, and three other children, Sarah Palin is attractive to today's woman. A small town, straight talking girl married to a union-member, she must be attractive to "Hillary voters." She's a true conservative who can rally 'the base' which has been less than enthused with the top of the ticket. And from what I've seen and heard in the past week, I am not the least worried about her ability to hold her own in the 'VP Debate' with sanguine Joe Biden. As Rudy rightly said, it seems that in the choice of VP "Obama reached back while McCain reached for the future." It's the opinion of RTR08 that if McCain comes from behind to win the presidency, it will be his bold pick of Sarah Palin as VP that will make the difference.
I thought the speech last night was very nicely done. It was impressive to see how she weathered the media storm and then came out and whacked them back. I got a sense of scapyness from her that was fun to watch.
If McCain does win it will definitely be because of this pick. Worse case is that we got an introduction to the Republican parties future.
I am just shuddering at the thought of Obama as president. I have some very intelligent friends and am amazed on how none of them are holding him to task for his inexperience or lack of specifics. It is like they are purposely ignorant. It is more of the 'anyone but a republican' mindset.
Right on Ben. The hypocrisy of the modern day Dem often defies logic. They love to dish it out - but if you call them to account - they bring out the time-worn class/racial politics.
Obama is a great speaker, but DOES lack experience. It's a fact, plain and simple...end of story. Given that, he should be specific about why we should vote for him. Here-to-fore, we'e seen few specifics. "Change" is not a strategy. Being a community organizer may be a noble cause - but if he's going to hang his hat on that - he should explain why that qualifies him to be president.
This race is going to come down to a handful of counties across the nation. Gonna be interesting.
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