Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hillary is Done

Nine straight wins for Obama. Moreover, Obama is winning among voters who would typically be in Hillary's base. It's over for Hillary. Who would have really thought that the Clinton machine could not deliver at least the Democrat nomination. They certainly would have...

except for Obama.

Meanwhile, the voter tunout on the Democrat side continues to be gigantic. The Republicans are just not motivated to go to the polls. Very bad news for Republicans this November. You can pretty much just look at the primary numbers - how many people voted on the Dem side and how many voted on the GOP side - and say that's about how it will turn out in the general election. If that is even close to a correct assumption, watch out.


Bill said...

Agreed - Hillary is toast. Yes - BO will be a formidable GOP opponent - but for the moment I will revel in the demise of the wicked witch of the south (oops, guess that's witch of the east ever since 2000).

And to think - she was always worried about the "vast right-wing conspiracy". Turns out, her end came at the hands of the left.

Woody said...

The vast left wing conspiracy did her in! LOL

Anonymous said...

This is a great post. Very scary.
