Friday, September 12, 2008

Managed Exposure

Palin fatigue? Not yet.

Palin over-hype? Not yet.

Palin. GOP-messiah-ette? Not yet.

But there is a chance that her rock starlet status may come off as Obama-esque.

Rock starlet status is tough to maintain, though she only has to top the charts for 50 days.

I’m just sayin.....

It is an interesting challenge for the McCain campaign. How do they manage the image and exposure of the most popular candidate in the race? Do they just fling her toward the sun so she can shine ever brighter until election day? Will she ‘peak too early?’ Should they try to manage her exposure and ‘bring her out’ for a final push?

The truth is that Palin is the best hope McCain has of being the next President. Maybe it’s his exposure that should be managed.

1 comment:

Bill said...

I agree that this is going to an interesting challenge for the GOP. No doubt, Palin has energized the conservative base. But - if that card is overplayed - they run the risk of turning off the independents who seem to be flocking toward McCain in record numbers.

I think they need to look for ways to make Palin "fresh" on the tag lines...maybe even some good foreign policy statements. One has to assume you will see her working the "heartland" while he continues to work the states in play. Her role may become one focused on exhorting the GOP faithful to get out their vote.

Barring some unknown negative revelation about Palin...and if she holds her own with Biden (and I think she will) early October, this could become McCain's election to lose.