The media has completely missed the point of the ‘bailout’ story. File the previous sentence under, “what else is new?” They are so template driven that they are completely unable to operate as investigative reporters -- and no surprise, the TV versions are simply overpaid tele-prompter readers.
Here is the real story of the ‘failure to bailout.’
I’ll use two members of the Indiana delegation to make the point. Andre Carson and Mike Pense each voted against the bailout.
One is a Democrat, the other is a Republican.
One is from an urban district, the other more rural.
One is a black man, the other a white man.
One is very liberal, the other very conservative.
So, despite all that you have heard in the media, this bailout vote did not break along party lines. Nor did it break along racial lines, urban v rural lines, or liberal v conservative lines.
It broke I tell you along “more of the same” versus “we’re not going to take it any more.”
Now trust me, all elected officials of both parties are for more of the same. It’s the people who rose up in record numbers to call, fax, email, text, blackberry, walk-in, write, or otherwise telepathically communicate with those knot-heads in Washington that “we aren’t going to take it anymore.”
The ‘financial sector’ has already lost our retirements and a lot of our jobs while lining their own bank accounts through greed, gouging, fraud, corruption, conspiracy or just plain highway robbery. Now that they too are belly up, they want us to pay for their recovery.
Last time I asked my bank for a loan, they told me, “we’ll get back with you.”
Now the the banking industry is asking for a loan. And the American people are saying, “your call will be answered in the order in which it was received.”
Which is just behind the call for my retirement, my raise, my kid’s braces and college fund, my adjustable mortgage payment, my timeshare, my bill from the vet for neutering the cat, my water bill, my electric bill, my wife’s upgraded kitchen cabinets which resulted from my new golf clubs, the proctologist bill, and four friggin dollar a gallon gas!
Your estimated wait time is one decade!
Do you get the picture? Politicians are always talking about what ‘America’ wants. Which is simply the cover for what they want. Until this week. Get this - 95% of representatives who are involved in closely contested elections this November voted NO to the bailout.
A media type confidently said after yesterday’s 777 point Dow drop that, “the nay sayers of the bailout tested the market to see what it would say and it shouted back a very clear message.”
If I could talk with him today - after the Dow’s 440 point gain - I’d tell him, “Yes, and then the market heard the American people say ‘you can kiss my grits’ so they woke up this morning and went back to work.”
If the American people will keep the hammer down two things will happen, maybe three.
One - we will experience some tough times as the necessary market corrections take place. Money and jobs will be lost. It won’t be easy. But the economic situation will emerge stronger and more stable with a big bullish upturn not too far down the way.
Two - the business bums who caused this will be out on their butts instead of bailed out by your tax payer money. And ‘the government’ may get the message also - quit obligating generations of our money!
Three - the media might ‘get it’ also. But I doubt it.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
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So - the Senate tweaks the bill...and votes tonight. Gonna be interesting to watch.
I presume it will pass the Senate because I think the Senate leadership can "count" its membership better than Pelosi can. Of course, they only have to to count to 51.
The sad part is the American people cannot trust the congress to do the right thing with our micro management. For most of us we simply don't have time to constantly monitor what congress is doing. Have you ever tried to read a house resolution. The book of Ezekiel is easier to understand. It seems that the only time we really get involved is when a major crisis like this happens and usually it is too late. The only way to correct things is to vote some new people into office but that appears to not work either. Both of my knucklehead Republican senators voted yes. My Democrat rep voted yes. I can't vote him out because he is uncontested. I have written them all. I just hope Sarah doesn't get corrupted like the others.
Mike Hatter
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