Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Pure Magic

At 10:17 PM, Hillary leads Obama 39% to 36% in the New Hampshire primary.

I just read the following real time blog by Michael Crowley of The New Republic:

"I'm in the press room at the Clinton site near Manchester, and her aides think there's a real possibility she'll outperform expectations. Apparently their final exit polls were quite promising. As compared to a very sour mood Thursday night, campaign staffers are upbeat--in fact I'm pretty sure I just saw two of them give one another a sort of high-five hand clasp that sure looked celebratory to me."

Early this morning on MSNBC, somber women with drawn faces lamented the end of the Hillary campaign. One said that is as though Hillary is hold up in a basement, crouching and bewildered as a tornado (Obama campaign) blows away the house. Joe Scarborough entertained more than one discussion of whether or not she would lose to Obama by double digits.

Now MSNBC is saying, "Hilliary has pulled off a stunner" by winning New Hampshire.

The magic is in doing better than expected - she did it - and it's a magic night for her campaign.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah. I am suprised as well. Perhaps it is the love of the under-dog that gave her the tipping point. Obama was seen as such a shoo in.