Tuesday, January 29, 2008

On a Platter

Mike Huckabee is handing the nomination to John McCain.

I have written here several times that Huckabee is the spoiler. The numbers make the case.

McCain “won” FL with 36% of the vote.
McCain “won” SC with 33% of the vote.
McCain “won” NH with 37% of the vote.

Romney plus Huck was 44% of the FL vote.
Romney plus Huck was 45% of the SC vote.
Romney plus Huck was 43% of the NH vote.

If Huck wasn’t in the race, his conservative voters would not largely go to McCain. They would have to choose between Romney and Paul. Assuming that Romney got the lion’s share of those, Mitt would have now won six states and be on his way to the GOP nomination. As it is, McCain now leads in delegates, endorsements and momentum going into Super Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

I believe you are correct and to this effect he is giving McCain the wins on Super Tuesday. I was watching CNN last night when one of the commentators mentioned this in a conspiracy sort of way. McCain/Huckabee possible? Remember how chummy they were in Iowa? I am shivering to even think about that.

Btw, I did call Huck's 4th place finish the other day. Do I get a prize?

Bill said...


Congrats on that 4th place call about Huckabee. I figured Rudy's fall would drop him below Huck - but not quite.

I think the prize is a "pat on the back!"

BTW - the last numbers I looked at showed that if Thompson had not been on the ballot...and all his votes had gone to Huckabee...Huck would have barely topped Rudy.