Thursday, January 31, 2008

But Who's Counting

CNN California GOP Debate on Jan 30, 2008

Total Talk Time:
Romney: 27:09
Mccain: 22:39
Huckabee: 15:16
Paul: 6:57

Total Questions for each candidate:
Romney: 15
Mccain: 13
Huckabee: 11
Paul: 7

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting facts. The numbers I would really like to see is the amount of time each candidate talked on ideas (new perferably) or answering the question rather then sniping or in a he-said/she-said argument.

Rommeny: 5:00
McCain: 2:00

That debate was horrible. Believe it or not the Dems debate last night was actually civil and they acutally shared their ideas. Of course the ideas they shared were as scary in their content as the GOP debate was useless...