Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Mitt Romney did what we needed him to do in the Michigan Primary, he stopped the momentum of John McCain. Thank you, Mitt! He went home and got a much needed victory for his campaign and an even bigger win for the GOP in general.

Three hyped GOP primaries, three winners: Iowa – Huckabee, New Hampshire – McCain, Michigan – Romney. None are true conservatives. McCain least of all. Which is why putting the brakes on his victory party was so important.

McCain pledged to win South Carolina. But one would figure that the Southern Baptist South would be Huck country. His campaign is hoping the regain the front-runner status with a second primary win in South Carolina. Chipping away at Huckabee in S. C. will be Fred Thompson, also a native of NASCAR nation. Hopefully one or both will beat McCain there.

Why is it so important to beat McCain? More on that later – for now, let him explain it in his own words. Click this link:


Anonymous said...

I was so excited as well. My hope is that the longer the primaries are in a state where each state counts the more discussion/debate/investigation on the candidates by the individuals will occur. This is great for the public as it is hard to keep a facade up under pressure for multiple months. Look at the whole race card being played out by Hillary/Obama. That shows that someone is really thinking along those lines and so it surfaces. Last election you had Kerry win so early that by the time people knew who he was it was too late to 'unnomminate' him (not that I complained). I am hoping that SC doesn't go to SC. I am pulling for Fred down there. Your guy did really well last night.


Woody said...

Ben - on another subject - check out Harvard Business Review magazine at your local bookstore. The issue is on leadership and stragegy. Page 117 has essential characteristics of a mentor. As for Paul - not bad - had not been to the state since September.

Anonymous said...

Will do. thanks!