Sunday, January 27, 2008

That Dang YouTube

Today Mike Huckabee was on Fox News Sunday.

Huck said, “When Mitt Romney and the other Republicans a few months ago in Dearborn, Michigan, at the debate were talking about how great the economy was, I was jeered and sneered, but I was the one saying it may not be that great. I was understanding that, seeing it, predicting it. People were laughing at me then; now they have to admit that I was right.”

You were the one?

Actually, you were right beside the one who was understanding it, seeing it and predicting it.

Here you are Mike - being schooled on economics at the Dearborn, MI debate:


Anonymous said...

Huckabee is done. He will lose (4th place is my guess) in FL and be out of the race on super tuesday. I think the race will be done to Mitt and McCain.

I am curious if they will fight it all the way to the convention.

Bill said...

Unless Giuliani has a bunch of mailed in votes from the early voting allowed in Florida - I think he's going to end up in 4th in Florida. And, a 4th place finish for Guiliani tomorrow ends his run. An interesting thing then is where does Rudy's support go?

I think Huckabee finishes third in Florida...will probably stay in the race through Super Tuesday.

Woody said...

I tend to think that Huck will stay in the race through Super Tuesday also just because he probably already has organization and support at least in the deep south. He also just picked up an endorsement in MO. But I agree that after Florida he will be out of money and not in any position to raise any of significance.